Gabriel Court Care Home Brings the Garden Indoors with Creative Gardening Activities

At Gabriel Court Care Home, summer is in full bloom as residents participate in delightful gardening activities, all from the comfort of their cosy chairs.

With the sun streaming through the windows, residents are getting their hands dirty potting up beautiful flowers, bringing the joys of gardening indoors.

Recognising that not all residents can easily venture outside, Gabriel Court has innovatively adapted their gardening sessions to be inclusive, ensuring everyone can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of horticulture.

These indoor gardening activities are not only a way to beautify the care home but also a wonderful opportunity for residents to connect with nature and each other.

“Gardening has always been a favourite activity among our residents,” said Gemma, activities coordinator at Gabriel Court Care Home. “By adapting it to be accessible indoors, we ensure that everyone can participate and enjoy the benefits. It’s heartwarming to see the joy it brings to our residents.”

Summer days at Gabriel Court Care Home are truly special, filled with activities that promote engagement, well-being, and happiness. The indoor gardening sessions are a perfect example of how the care home adapts to meet the needs of its residents, ensuring everyone can enjoy the beauty of the season.

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