Mountside Care Home residents and care team enjoy a game of Scrabble in the afternoon.

Mountside Care Home became a battleground of wits and words as residents gathered for an engaging game of Scrabble, showcasing their inner wordsmiths.

The puzzling event, part of the home’s regular activity schedule, was aimed at stimulating the minds of residents while fostering a sense of camaraderie and fun.

The sound of letters being shuffled, and the contemplative silence punctuated by triumphant exclamations created an atmosphere of intense yet friendly competition.

“Nothing quite matches the thrill of finding the perfect spot for your word, especially when it earns you those high points!” remarked one player.”

Mountside Care Home’s game of Scrabble was a resounding success. It served as a reminder of the importance of engaging activities in care settings, not just for entertainment, but for promoting mental agility and social interaction.

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